Clinics We Offer

Asthma Clinic
- Held by Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- Our nurse is specially qualified to help you understand your asthma or COPD, to give you advice on use of your inhalers and how to vary the doses in different circumstances. Annual checks are done if you are on treatment for this condition.
Diabetes Clinic
- Held by Dr Vino Ganespathy and Practice nurse Diane Veal
- This clinic is for everyone with diabetes, whether on tablets, insulin or dietary management. It aims to give people living with diabetes the information needed to manage their diabetes. Routine blood testing, checks on general health, foot care and circulation are made. Referral can be made for dietary services and annual eye screening.

Well Man and Well Woman Clinic
- Held by Practice Nurse Diane or HCA Carol
- Measure height, weight, BP, check your urine. Discuss your general health, family history, alcohol intake, smoking and exercise habits.
Contraceptive Advice Clinic
- Held by Doctors and Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- At this clinic you can ask advice about contraception and the 'morning after pill'. Routine checks and prescription for oral contraceptive pill and injections are given. All Doctors and the Practice Nurse are able to offer family planning advice. We can also screen for sexually transmitted infections.

Child Health Surveillance (CHS)
- Held by Dr Vino and Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- We provide this service in co-operation with our health visitors. Children under 5 years have regular checks by the health visitor in order to assess development, hearing and speech. Babies are checked by the Doctor at 6-8 weeks.
Child Immunisations
- Held by Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- You will be contacted by the surgery at the appropriate time and informed of the immunisations required. We have regular immunisation sessions run by our specially trained Practice Nurse. Please remember to bring your child's Personal Health Record Book.
- Click here for the vaccination schedule

Antenatal Clinic
- On notifying the reception staff that you are pregnant your details will be passed to the midwife who will arrange a booking appointment and subsequent antenatal appointment usually on a Thursday.
Cervical Smear
- Held by Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- All female patients aged 25-64 years should be tested every 3-5 years. Cervical smear appointments are normally made with the Practice Nurse, or if preferred with any Doctor during normal surgery.

Chronic Disease Clinic
- Held by Doctor or Practice Nurse Diane Veal
- If you have a chronic condition such as asthma, COPD, diabetes, IHD or stroke then we will ask you to attend one of our regular clinics for a check up; you will receive a reminder from the surgery via letter or telephone call asking you to make an appointment.
Sexual Health
- Held by Diane Veal - Practice Nurse
- If you have any concerns regarding your sexual health, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse or any Doctor for a confidential consultation.
- A self taken Chlamydia screening test is advised for everyone aged 16-24 who is sexually active.
- To attend one of these clinics please ring our reception on 0121 743 2154.

Minor Surgery
- Held by Dr Vino (joint injections)
Smoking Cessation Clinic
- Held by Practice Nurse Diane and HCA's Angela and Tash
- Advice on how to give up smoking is available. Our Practice Nurse and HCA are fully trained in supporting patients who are stopping smoking and patients can choose what type of medical support suits them best, be it nicotine replacement therapies, Champix or Zyban. Please make an appointment and the information on how to access this clinic can be given to you. NHS Smokefree helpline number is 0800 015 8512.